Poker Bowling Rules

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Bowling is a great way to relax and have fun. It’s also a great excuse to get friends and family together for a night of fellowship. Most people will enjoy themselves when bowling the normal way but some can be reluctant to play or might even get bored.

Seven Card Stud Rules. Seven-card stud is one of the more traditional forms of poker, and by learning the rules of this well loved game, you can perfect your own strategy and have endless fun with this poker game, as well as its variations: RAZZ and Seven-Card Stud High-Low. PokerStars Live tournaments are run in accordance with the Poker Tournament Directors Association Rules (TDA) and guidelines. Click here to read the full TDA rules. The TDA rules shall be the prevailing version in the event of any discrepancy between the versions published on this web site regardless of language.

Especially if they are bowling a lot or get dragged to the event by their significant other. If this sounds like some people in your group, you should try some of these bowling games to switch it up. Putting a smile twist like having everyone bowl granny style can be lots of fun and help everyone loosen up.

Bowling Doubles

Think of this game as tag team bowling. Everyone in your group will pair up with someone. In each team of two, both players will take turns bowling first each frame.

This is a great game to play if everyone has a simial skill level. If there are some wide gaps in skill level try to make it even by pair expert bowlers with novices.

Bowl with both hands

Do you remember how you used to bowl when you were a kid? We’re going to capture that experience with this game. Everyone has to bowl with both hands or granny style.

This game can be played with the standard granny style motion or bowlers taking the bowl between their legs and rolling it toward the pins or you can allow players to get creative.

Poker Bowling Rules

Bowling Check List

Before you can play this game you’ll need to make a list of things that can happen during a frame. For instance, a player throws a gutter ball or a player knocks down 4 pins.

Once you have a list the fun begins. Start bowling and the person to check off everything on the list wins. To make it easier you can play in teams and not require that the task be checked off in order.

Poker Bowling

You’ll need a deck of cards to play this game. When a player or team throws a strike, spare or split, a card is pulled from the deck. Cards will be collected until the end of the 10th frame.

With the cards collected, each player or team will try to make the best poker hand they can. There are two variations to this game. In the first variation, the team or player with the best hand wins. In the second, the team or player with the best hand combined with their score wins.

Truth or dare bowling

Everyone has played truth or dare. It’s a fun game that works well with teens and adults. Why not combine it with another great thing like bowling?

It works by assigning odd numbers of pins to truth and even numbers of pins to dare. For instance, if a bowler knocks down 8 pins, the group would give them a dare. If a strike or spare is thrown no truth or dare is given.

Predict your roll

In this game, before each roll players will predict how well they do. They can be vague and say if they will knock down an odd or even amount of pins or be more specific and predict an exact number of pins.

This game can be fun without keeping score but adding scoring can make interesting. In this case, more points would be awarded for predicting an exact number of points and a less amount of points would be given for predicting an add or even amount of pins.

Wacky Bowling

This is a silly and fun twist on bowling. Before you begin bowling, have everyone in your group think up some pretty wacky ways to bowl. For instance, bowling backward or walking on tiptoes while bowling.

Once everyone has thought up some good ones, you can begin. For their turn, each player must draw from the pile of wacky ideas and do it while bowling. Remember to be careful. It won’t be fun if someone gets hurt.

Poker Bowling Rules Poker

Bowl in slow motion

Have you ever been in a race? In a race, the first person to finish is the winner. Well in this game we’re going to do the opposite. In this case, the slower person is the one that wins. Break up your group into two teams and get two lanes close to each other.

Players from each team will go head to head and try to bowl as slow as possible. The person that has the bowling ball hit the pins last earns a point. At the end of the round, the team with the most points wins. Don’t worry about aiming or trying to knock down a lot of pins. Just go super slow to win.

Bingo Bowl

Similar to poker bowling, for this variation we’re going to take another classic game and combine it with bowling. Bingo is a lot of fun so why not try it with everyone’s favorite pastime, bowling? You’ll need special bingo cards for this game.

The squares will be filled with the numbers 1 through 10 and other bowling outcomes like strike, gutter, spare and split. During your normal game, each player will mark off their bingo cards as each thing happens. If you want to make it more interesting, provide prizes for the winners.

Bowling Relay Race

Poker Bowling Rules Card Game

Poker Bowling Rules

Bowling is a game of skill and accuracy. Experienced bowlers will take their time in order to play their best. No reason to rush when you are trying to get the best score you can. Well, this bowling variation takes all that and throws it right out the window. Instead of taking your time, the name of the game is speed.

Break up your group into teams and get two lanes right next to each other. Each player tries to roll the ball down the lane as fast as they can and the first team to get through all their players wins. For smaller groups, you can have each person go more than once.

Bowl with your other hand

Have you ever tried to write with your opposite hand? It’s really difficult and the outcome is normally pretty terrible. Usually, no one can read your writing. For this bowling game, everyone will do something similar and use their opposite hand to bowl.

So, right-handed players will use their left to bowl and left-handed players will use their right. See how well you can do with this unusual handicap. Just be careful, it can be challenging trying to bow with your opposite hand. Also, watch out so you don’t skip your ball into someone else’s lane.

Flickr Image Creative Commons Credit – Pete Toscano

PokerStars Live tournaments are run in accordance with the Poker Tournament Directors Association Rules (TDA) and guidelines. Click here to read the full TDA rules.

The TDA rules shall be the prevailing version in the event of any discrepancy between the versions published on this web site regardless of language.

Please Note: deviation from or addition to the current TDA rules has been highlighted below (in bold). Please read carefully.

Section: Seating, Breaking & Balancing Tables

  • Rule: Random Correct Seating

Tournament and satellite seats will be randomly assigned. A player starting in a wrong seat with a correct chip stack will move to the correct seat with his or her current total chip stack. Where applicable, players who collect their table and seat assignments will have their stacks put into play when all of their seat numbers have been sold.

Example - If a player receives Table 4/Seat 8, once all the #8 seats have been sold, all of the #8 seats in the tournament will have their stacks put into play.

  • Rule: Number of Players at Final Table

10-handed events seat 10, 9-handed and 8-handed events seat 9 and 7-handed and 6-handed events seat 7 at the final table. No final table should seat more than 10. This rule does not apply to heads-up events.

Please Note: The following rules are unique to PokerStars Live events. Please read carefully.

Section: Warnings, Penalties, & Disqualification


A: Enforcement options include verbal warnings, one or more “missed hand” or “missed round” penalties, elimination, disqualification and exclusion from all PokerStars Live Events. For missed rounds, the offender will miss one hand for every player (including him or her) at the table when the penalty is given multiplied by the number of penalty rounds. Repeat infractions are subject to escalating penalties but may not always be imposed in a sequential order of severity. Players should know any actions worthy of a penalty may result in a wide range of discipline even for a first offense. Players away from the table or on penalty may be anted or blinded out of a tournament.

B: A penalty may be invoked for etiquette violations (Rule 70), card exposure with action pending, throwing cards, violating one-player-to-a-hand, or similar incidents. Penalties will be given for soft play, abuse, disruptive behavior, or cheating. Checking the exclusive nuts when last to act on the river is not an automatic soft play violation; TD’s discretion applies based on the situation.

C: Players on penalty must be away from the table. Cards are dealt to their seats, their blinds and antes are posted, their hands are killed after the initial deal, and if dealt the stud bring-in card they must post the bring-in.

D: Chips of an eliminated player shall be removed from play and they will be eligible to receive prizemoney. Chips of a disqualified player shall be removed from play and they will be ineligible to receive prizemoney.

Poker Bowling Rules Games


E: Tournament Property – PokerStars Live Tournament chips have no cash value and are the exclusive property of PokerStars Live and may not be removed from the Tournament area(s) or the assigned event. Players found to be transferring chips from one event to another or from one player to another will be subject to penalties up to and including disqualification and exclusion from all PokerStars Live Events.

F: Any individual who encounters inappropriate behaviour on the part of another individual should immediately contact the Tournament Staff. This shall include, but is not limited to, any player whose personal hygiene or health has become disruptive to the other players seated at their table. The determination as to whether an individual’s personal hygiene or health is disruptive to other players shall be determined by the Tournament Staff which may, in its discretion, implement sanctions upon any such player who refuses to remedy the situation in a manner satisfactory to PokerStars Live.

G: Televised Feature Tables and Hole Cards – Players who enter a tournament that is a webcast or televised tournament, are required to cooperate with the filming personnel. This includes showing your hole cards to the card camera on the table. Failure to do so may result in a penalty.

2. PokerStars Live: Additional Information

  1. 1: Electronic Devices and Communication – Further Guidance

    For the avoidance of doubt, the term Electronic Device includes, but is not limited to, the following devices, both known and unknown. Electronic Devices are not permitted to be placed on the playing surface, which includes any part of the poker table, at any time. Players are allowed to place items on the rail.

    1. Phones, tablets and laptops - Players may use these devices (aside from taking calls) at the table, however not while in a hand.
    2. Periscope, Twitch, etc. - The use of Apps or any other type of broadcast capability to broadcast the tournament while in play is not allowed.
    3. There will be no electronic devices permitted on any Featured Televised Tables or Main Event Final Tables.

    2: Chopping Prizes (Deal Making)

    Deals will be allowed in all venues where it does not conflict with local gaming regulations. All deals will be reported to media.

    3: Right to Cancel any Event or Tournament

    PokerStars Live, together with the organising casino in which the Event will be held, reserve the right to cancel or alter any Event or Tournament at our sole and absolute discretion.

    4: Right to Cancel Tournament (Minimum Players)

    PokerStars Live, together with the organising casino in which the Event will be held, reserve the right to cancel any Tournament which does not have a minimum of 10 players entered by the start of said Tournament.

    5: Right to Cancel Guarantee

    PokerStars Live, together with the organising casino in which the Event will be held, reserve the right to cancel any Guaranteed Prize Pool where player attendance at the tournament is affected as a result of acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond the reasonable control of PokerStars Live such as acts of God, including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, windstorm or other natural disaster; war, threat of or preparation for war, terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots; voluntary or mandatory compliance with any law (including a failure to grant any license or consent needed or any change in the law or interpretation of the law); fire, explosion or accidental damage; adverse weather conditions (e.g. Typhoon Warning of 8 or higher).

    6: Deals on TV Final Tables

    When players ask to pause the clock to discuss a deal during the final table of an event, TV coverage will cut from live play to a short break, during which time the Tournament Director will ensure that all relevant information – player names, advertised pay outs, current chip counts, and so forth - are tallied and independent chip model (ICM) and chip chop (CC) numbers are calculated. A printed sheet will then be prepared clearly showing these details.

    Upon presentation of this information:

    1. Any deal must be done at the final table and may be filmed.
    2. Players are unable to leave the final table area but may invite one person to the table to assist them OR have phone contact with one person to assist them.
    3. 10% of the remaining prize pool, prior to a deal being agreed, must be left to play for.
    4. Media – including those present at the event and those reporting on it subsequently - will report full details of any deal made.
    5. Players will be given a maximum of 10 minutes to discuss a deal and come to a decision. If, at the end of the 10-minute period, players have yet to come to an agreement, the tournament clock will be re-started, and players will resume play.

Bowling Poker Rules

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